Saturday 20 April 2013

Spring springs

Weather: a lovely sunny spring day. Cool in the shade, but warm in the sun. Frost last night: ground still warming up.

Up to the allotment to show my friend Pete the progress, although no seeds have gone in yet. The rhubarb is coming up very nicely...

Loads of Red Admiral butterflies everywhere. A few bumblebees hunting for early nectar. Buds coming though on the apple tree.

Gareth says my robin has a nest in next door's shed, being able to get in and out with the aid of a broken roof and a broken window.

I also learned that the water-taps are back on again, so I need to haul out the hose that's in the shed and make sure it's serviceable, and get my water-butt filled.

The site's main clubhouse is coming down sometime next week, to make room for a new one. I may be able to get a free roll of old roof felt off it, if it's still flexible enough to roll, with which to patch my shed roof.

The false currant at the front of my shed is coming into flower very nicely...

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