Sunday 16 December 2012

22nd day on the plot

Weather: A pleasant sunny day, with the valley's heavy fog burning off by 11.30am. 6 degrees.

Two hours at the plot in the sunny weather, and I'm starting to make progress on the middle section. Another couple of days of digging and it should be basically cleared of weeds. I took the main grass clumps out, then started in on the lower part. The frost had done half my work for me and the weeds came out very nicely...

My occasional pigeon visitor is deceased. I found a scattering of feathers across the middle plot...

The allotments committee president actually saw one of three local hawks rocket over the roofs and swoop down on the hapless pigeon a few days ago. Whatever it was that was so mysteriously attractive about the middle bit of my plot has proved fatal.

I was also kindly shown the site's bubbling spring, which comes up in a little nook that's crying out for a "spring dressing" — like the May-time well dressings that still happen in profusion every year in the nearby Staffordshire Moorlands and the Peak District.

Another six sacks of bark chippings on the path and around the shed, to prevent things getting too weedy/muddy.

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